Gender Reveal Oreo Pops

July 18, 2022

I made these gender reveal Oreo pops for our family to announce the gender of baby Chick #2. They were so much fun to make AND to eat so I want to share a little tutorial with you.

Gender Reveal Oreo Pops

So, if you didn’t see the post I put out, YES we are having another girl! Jane knew it too, she kept telling us it was a girl. She was so sure to the point of getting really mad at us if we told her it was a boy haha! I made this cute little ice cream image to let the people of social media know the exciting news.

Gender reveal ice cream photo shoot idea

But for our families, I wanted to send something special. Being so far away from everyone the typical gender reveal party, or confetti cannons, don’t really work for us. I was so happy with the Gender Reveal Chocolates I sent out when I was pregnant with Jane, so clearly I had to do something similar.

And the Gender Reveal Oreo Pops were born!

Items needed

  • Oreo Cookies (I suggest “Double Stuf” Oreos)
  • Melting Chocolates (or just chocolate chips)
  • Lollipop sticks
  • Blue OR pink gel food coloring (based on the gender of your baby)
  • Cellophane treat bags with twist ties (optional)
  • Blue and pink sprinkles or other decorations (optional)
Gender reveal Oreo pops supplies

Making the Gender Reveal Oreo Pops

1: Open the cookies and scrape out the filling

This is the easiest part, but it’s time-consuming. Just pop the cookies open (a twisting motion seems to be the most effective) and use a butter knife to scrape the filling into a bowl.

When I had done the number of cookies I wanted to dip, the bowl of filling looked like almost nothing. I realized they are not filled very much. This is why I recommend using the “Double Stuf” ones. I used regular Oreos and I ended up scraping out almost the entire package of cookies because I wanted to fill them a lot more than they were originally. Either way, I would suggest doing more cookies than you think you’ll need just to be safe.

Gender reveal Oreo pops

2: Color the filling

I used gel food coloring because it’s better quality than liquid and I think it mixes in better and has a more vibrant end result…. but you can use whatever coloring you would like.

Use a fork and mash all the disks of filling together (will look like mashed potatoes at this point!) add in a little food coloring with a toothpick and mash it up again. Add more color if needed, a little at a time, until you reach your desired shade of pink/blue.

3: Refill the cookies

Use a rubber spatula to scrape the filling out of the bowl and into a ziplock back. (you can also use a piping bag if you want, but any freezer bag will work just as well.) Push it all down into one corner of the bag and use scissors to snip off a tiny bit of the bag’s corner.

Squeeze the bag and pipe filling onto your cookies one at a time until half of them are covered.

Put a lollipop stick onto each one and top them off with the other half of the cookies.

4: Dip them in Chocolate

Now they need to be fully dipped so that the dyed filling is a surprise.

I used melting chocolates for the first time and I really liked them. In the past, I have always used chocolate bits and a little coconut oil in a double boiler on the stove and you can definitely use that method if you choose to. With the melting chocolates though, I just put them into a glass measuring cup and followed the microwave instructions on the bag. They worked wonderfully. I suggest against using something that’s wide, like a mixing bowl. With something like ta Pyrex measuring cup, you can get the depth to dip the entire cookie without melting a ton of chocolate.

Dipping them is a little tricky. You have to go pretty quickly because the warm chocolate will start to melt the filling and the stick will slide out. You could try freezing them first to prevent this but I found moving fast and dipping at an angle (instead of straight up and down) got the job done.

Dip them in and lay them flat on some parchment paper to harden.

5: Decorations

This part is optional, but oh so fun!

while the chocolate is still melty you can use sprinkles to decorate the cookies.

I used pink and blue sugar sprinkles but for some reason, the pink sprinkles lost their color so they just looked like blue and white sprinkles. When my family opened the box they immediately thought it was a boy because there were only blue sprinkles. Oh well. At least we were on a video call so I could correct them.

A more vibrantly colored sprinkle would probably be better or just use gender-neutral colors; yellow, white, grey, etc. I did put white pearl sprinkles on some of them and they were very pretty.

Another idea I had, but didn’t use, was to melt some white chocolate in a plastic bag and (just like the filling) snip a corner and pipe lines of white chocolate across the cookies. I think that would be very pretty. And with some sprinkles added on top! You could even do 2 bags of white chocolate with blue and pink food coloring in them and do colored lines! Oh, ideas for next time haha.

Be sure to make extra so you can bite into one and see how amazing they look inside! It’s a perfect reveal

6: Packaging

I found little clear goodie bags at the dollar store that came with gold twist ties and they were perfect!

Just put the gender reveal Oreo pop into the bag and twist it up around the lollipop stick.

To ship them, I filled a box with pink and blue paper shred, wrapped the bundle of pops in some bubble wrap, and buried them in the shred. I topped it off with a big question mark I cut out of paper.

The boxes looked amazing and it was such fun to watch our families open them up on a video call.

The question mark

The big question marks in the picture above are just ones that I drew freehand and cut out of paper, but if you want to do the same thing I have made it easy for you! I have a big question mark that you can simply print and cut out! You can find the PDF for it HERE or simply click the image below!

Free printable pdf question mark ? cutout

I had so much fun making these that I honestly considered offering them to other pregnant women in my community! Then I decided I already have enough hats to wear lol, but they really were that fun to make. I hope you enjoy them!

Let me know what you think in the comments!

For more ideas, make sure you check out the Gender Reveal Chocolates I made for my first baby!

Gender Reveal chocolates
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