Did you know that when you create a baby registry on Amazon they will send you a free box of goodies?

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How to set up a baby registry
The first step to getting the free gift is to set up a registry at https://www.amazon.com/baby-reg but it is important to note that you have to set it up using an Amazon Prime account. Unfortunately, they only send the free gift to Prime members.
Once you have set up your registry they will ask you to go through a checklist. You have to have a certain percentage of the list checked off before you are eligible for the gift. And really… you can just go through and check a bunch of things as already have or don’t need.
The final requirement they have is that $10 worth of things has been bought from the registry. You can buy something worth $10 yourself or someone can purchase it for you but it must be from the registry.
After that, you just click through to “order” your gift. They will not charge you for the box or the shipping! Pretty cool right?

What’s in it?
Getting a free gift just for having a baby registry is super cool, but what comes in it?
To put it simply, you will get sample-sized products along with 2-3 larger items. The exact items in the box change from time to time depending on what samples and products Amazon receives for it.
We got a welcome box in 2020 when I was pregnant with Jane, many of the items were slightly different than the box I just got for Winifred but the overall feel was the same. The most noteworthy difference is that the gift we got a few years ago included a really cute swaddle/blanket and this more recent one did not. It also didn’t have a different larger item like that to replace it and, to be honest, it felt like it was missing something without it.
One other thing, I swear I remember the first box having coupons in it for some of the sample items but that could honestly be my memory failing me as this box had none.

The full list
Now let me break it down and give you the full list of items included in my Baby Registry Welcome Box (received in August of 2022)
- 1 small Amazon reusable shopping bag
- 1 Philips Avent baby bottle (size 2 nipple)
- A pack of Lansinoh breastfeeding samples (2 milk storage bags and 2 disposable nursing pads)
- 2 sample packs of Water Wipes (10 wipes each)
- 1 gender-neutral Carter’s onesie (size 3-6 months)
- 1 sample of Smarty Pants prenatal gummies (contains 2 gummies, which the pack says is half a daily dose….)
- Sample of Swash free and clear laundry detergent (enough for 1 load of laundry)
- A sample-size bottle of CeraVe baby wash and shampoo
- and a sample-size bottle of CeraVe baby lotion
It’s a fun little box to get.
Other baby registry freebies
From what I have seen, Amazon’s is the easiest registry box to get. I briefly looked into getting the Walmart and Target gifts so I could write a little unboxing of them too but had no luck actually having them sent to me.
The Target website said they would ship one, but when I went through the whole process I got an alert saying I would have to pick it up in-store. As I live in Okinawa right now, that isn’t an option for me. Maybe it’s easier if you have a Target location near you.
And with Walmart, I actually had no issue setting up the registry or ordering the free gift, but then I got a confirmation saying the box would be sent but I never ended up receiving it in the mail. I’m not sure what went wrong and I haven’t actually looked further into it yet.
So, I highly recommend setting up a registry with Amazon and getting your free Welcome Box. Freebies are always fun, but it’s even more fun when it’s for something as special as a new baby! I love that Amazon does this.
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If you have received the Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Box I would love to hear from you in the comments. Let me know what came in your box that was different than mine! I would also love to hear if you have been sent a baby gift from any other companies (Walmart or Target specifically) and how that process went for you.