33 Thoughts and Questions to get you through the first half of your Pregnancy

October 27, 2019

Woo-oah We’re Halfway There! Random thoughts I had during the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy.

Being pregnant causes a lot of changes in your life. There are physical changes and mental changes. Changes in the way you think, the way you eat, the way you dress. Basically your entire being functions differently and it can make you think, realize, and question some pretty un-profound things.

The first 20 weeks of my pregnancy have been pretty easy for me. I know. I got lucky! But it still seems like every day there’s something new to wonder about or some new ache or emotion to deal with.

Here are some of the random pregnancy-related thoughts and questions I’ve had over the past 20 weeks along with the best answers I found. Have you had any of these same thoughts? Maybe you can find some comfort in knowing you’re not alone.

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Let’s jump right in!

  1. Maybe I’ll wait one more day before peeing on that. Just in case.
    • Most at-home pregnancy tests will tell you they can be used 3-6 days before your missed period. If you haven’t missed your period yet and you are expecting to be pregnant, it won’t kill you to wait just a few more days and be assured of a more accurate result.
  2. OMG I need to tell someone right now!
    • Tell baby daddy, of course, but maybe hold off on telling everyone you come in contact with. The typical advisement is usually to wait to tell everyone till you’re 10-12 weeks along. We told a few close family members after the official pregnancy test at the doctor’s office. We told other family and close friends after the first ultrasound. And we made a FB announcement at about 14 weeks.
  3. Now what?
    • Make an appointment with your doctor. They will give you a lot of guidance and answer any questions you have.
    • Get a prenatal vitamin. I’m taking THIS one. It’s a pretty thorough vitamin and hasn’t upset my stomach at all. Gummies are always fun but keep in mind that they usually don’t contain Iron which is important for Baby’s development.
    • Get a few books and read read read. What to Expect When You’re Expecting really does cover just about everything.
  4. Is sibling telepathy a thing? Why else would she be asking me if I’m pregnant? I haven’t told anyone yet!
    • Yes. Sibling telepathy is a thing.
  5. Oh. I kinda really wanted to drink that wine.
    • Just don’t. This isn’t permanent, you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite drink soon enough, right now you have more important things to focus on.
  6. Aren’t I supposed to be puking or something? Isn’t that the first sign?
    • I haven’t puked. Not once. Yes, a lot of women experience bad morning sickness in the first trimester but if you’re not one of those women just count your blessings and be grateful. If you are one of those women, I am truly sorry. I hear it gets better after the first half.
  7. Someone give me Funyuns.
    • Having weird cravings? Indulge yourself! of course, you shouldn’t go overboard (everything in moderation) but enjoy that snack.
    • Along with not going overboard on Funyuns, you’ll want to start paying closer attention to your diet. Everything you eat is affecting your baby’s development. Stock up your kitchen with fresh fruits and veggies as well as healthy go-to snacks like nuts or hummus.
  8. I need to pee
    • That’s a question?
  9. Is this something I will still be able to do with a kid strapped to me?
    • Now is not the time to stress about all the things having a kid will keep you from being able to do. Instead, dwell on all the beautiful things that come along with having a new baby in the family!
  10. The timing here is okay, right? We didn’t screw up, did we?
    • Same as number 9. Your mind will take you to all kinds of places. It’s okay to have these thoughts just don’t get caught up in worrying about them. You have a BEAUTIFUL thing heading your way.
  11. This is the best ginger ale I’ve ever had in my life!
    • My sense of taste has been crazy heightened these past 20 weeks. Everything (especially ginger ale, for whatever reason) tastes so good. Just enjoy it while it lasts.
  12. What is with these headaches!?
    • I was lucky enough to avoid getting morning sickness… instead I got really bad headaches. Like, can’t open my eyes or get off the couch kind of headaches. If you’re at that point too, talk to your doctor about taking a Magnesium supplement. It helped me a TON. They say you can take Ibuprofen up to a certain point and Tylenol is supposed to be okay but I’m really hesitant to take any of them. I was so grateful when taking magnesium every day as a preventative actually worked.
  13. Do I really need to pee again already?
    • TMI
  14. He’s going to be the most incredible dad!
    • I have caught myself gazing at my husband, just thinking about how I can’t wait to see him with the baby. He’s really going to be incredible! If you’re getting all emotional about this too, then TELL HIM. He needs to hear it, trust me.
  15. I guess I’m going to cry now.
    • It’s called hormones dearest. Just let it run its course.
  16. Can I safely take a bath?
    • Ask your doctor to be sure but, in my unprofessional opinion, you can. Just make sure your bath water isn’t scalding hot. It can be dangerous for the baby if your body temperature gets above 102 or so. I found bathwater of about 100 degrees doesn’t bring my body temperature up and is still comfortable to bathe in. Yes, I tested this. I had like 3 different thermometers in the bathroom with me.
  17. Is it okay for me to eat this?
    • most things really are okay to eat but there are a few things, like certain fish and cheeses, that can be iffy. Ask google. And of course your doctor too!
    • I have really liked having The Whole 9 Months by Jennifer Lang MD. It’s full of excellent nutritional information to help you eat the best foods for your baby’s growth.
  18. Will those meds mess my baby up?
    • Umm. Ask your doctor.
  19. Does anyone else smell that?
    • Along with a heightened sense of taste don’t be surprised if smells seem much more potent too. A blessing and a curse.
  20. It’s a boy. How do I know this? Um. Intuition?
    • An ultrasound at around 18 weeks can tell you for sure. until then you can guess all you want.
  21. I’m really not going to puke? Not even once?
    • Again, just enjoy it if you’re not experiencing the “typical” pregnancy symptoms.
  22. Am I starting to show or am I just extra bloated today?
    • Likely a little of both darling.
  23. Now I just look like I ate 3 cheeseburgers…
    • Yeah. When you first start showing you’re the only one who will know it’s a baby bump. Just wait. You’ll round out soon enough.
  24. Eee! I’m really starting to show now.
    • Don’t get caught up in insecurities. Enjoy that belly and show it off. You’re growing a life in there! That belly is beautiful!
  25. I need to pee
    • We get it.
  26. Not going to nap… just going to rest my head for a minute.
    • NAP! You need the energy. Growing a baby is hard work.
  27. Is this is worth crying about right now?
    • Hormones don’t care if it’s worth crying about.
  28. Man. My boobs look great!
    • Enjoy them while they last!
    • And get a good sports bra that will give you extra support and still be comfortable enough to wear around the house. We can’t have those girls sagging! Do yourself a favor and get some that will double as nursing bras for after baby is born!
  29. Well, I guess that doesn’t fit me anymore.
    • Instead of getting sad about your favorite things not fitting anymore, treat yourself to some super cute maternity clothes and show off that belly
  30. Can they tell that my pants aren’t buttoned?
    • Well that all depends on how long your shirt is, doesn’t it?
    • Belly bands like THESE are great for making your favorite pants work with that belly and they’ll also give your back some support as you get bigger and heavier.
  31. Did I just feel the baby move or was that gas?
    • Your first time feeling anything? Well, for me it was gas… but pay close attention. You just may be feeling your teeny-tiny for the first time. And when you do feel it, you’ll know!
  32. Is what I’m feeling right now heartburn? What even is heartburn?
    • Heartburn is apparently common during pregnancy. I was lucky enough to have never experienced heartburn or acid reflux before in my life and it was a little worrying until my husband explained it to me. Certainly talk to your doctor about it, she may suggest something to help if Tums alone aren’t doing the trick.
  33. Are we really halfway there already?!
    • The first half went by so quickly for us. And really easily too, which I’m so grateful for. Here’s hoping the next 20 weeks are just as easy! I can’t wait to meet this little cutie!