Under The Sea Animal Rescue
Give this Under The Sea activity a try! I'm not exaggerating when I say that this kept my 2-year-old occupied for TWO HOURS.
Give this Under The Sea activity a try! I'm not exaggerating when I say that this kept my 2-year-old occupied for TWO HOURS.
National Water Balloon Day is this Friday and we're excited about it! Here's a fun game we came up with that you can do with your kids to celebrate on a warm August day!
Glue is awesome for kids. Introducing glue to your kids' craft time can be as daunting as it is fun, here's a simple craft to make it exciting and stress free!
I made these gender reveal Oreo pops for our family to announce the gender of baby Chick #2. They were so much fun to make AND to eat so I want to share a little tutorial with you.
Fireworks in a Jar is an easy science experiment that anyone will love to watch! The perfect thing to get kids excited about the upcoming 4th of July!
With Independence Day just around the corner, these 4th of July noisemakers are the perfect craft to share with your family!
Let's celebrate with a Fireworks painting activity! This project is so fun and easy to do! Kids of just about any age will love this one!
My 2-year-old has been in a number mode lately, trying to count everything and point out whatever written numbers she knows. So I created these number worksheets for her to do and now I'm offering them to you as FREE PDFs
Do this super easy Hungry Caterpillar craft with your kids to spark creativity and encourage their love of reading.
Sensory bottles are an amazing visual stimulation and calming tool for kids, and a rain stick sensory bottle add an audio aspect to it!